Drinking water is important if you are trying for weight loss because drinking water reduce the appetite and lead to lesser calorie consumption. Since drinking water will make you feel full sooner thus leading to lesser
“Calcium is not only essential for laying the foundation for strong bones, but is also required for muscle contraction and preventing muscle cramps” Bones are alive and preserving bone health for life-long should be a
Spot reduction is ideally not possible, so indulge yourself in cardiovascular exercise at least 4 times a week to shed extra fat from all over your body. Once you have reached near to your ideal
“Just like any food, carbohydrates can be fattening if you eat too much.” Fad diets preach the message that carbohydrate is fattening. Wrong! Just like any food, carbohydrates can be fattening if you eat too
White bread fails to offer the whole grain goodness found in whole – wheat, rye, or other whole-grain breads. But white bread is neither poison nor a bad food. It can be part of an
To get lean body,weight foods must be judged against a five point criteria High Calorie Moderate fats High Protein High Fiber High nutrition Dal (Dried Beans) Dal is a major source for protein in Vegetarian diet. It
To keep healthy is one thing but to escalate health to look beautiful from the face always sparkling, skin glowing and body shapely & toned up forever, one can make a lifestyle change over to