

Our purpose for high intensity workouts, weight training or body building, are met by an optimum combination of exercise, diet, and top-ups (supplements). Therefore, we pick a very interesting topic for you, a subject you are likely familiar with – creatine vs. whey protein.

As soon you step into a gym, you will notice people talking about these two gym aids. It is really not smart to be ignorant; so, let’s begin with getting you familiar with the nutrient character of these two fabulous supplements.

Creatine vs. Whey Protein, What do you Require?

Let us start with understanding the basics first. Simply put, proteins are building blocks of your body. They are like bricks to construct a wall. Functional protein (or gym supplements) is required for muscle recovery, muscle repair, strength training, or muscle growth, among its many benefits.

Creatine on the other hand, is an energy source. It is also a functional supplement, and delivers clear benefits. The primary function of creatine is to increase your muscle mass, and endurance. Creatine is stored in your muscles as energy, in form of creatine phosphate.

It is important to know a bit more about creatine phosphate here. It helps in production of ATP – an energy source molecule), required by your muscles to release high energy. An energy rich muscle is essential during intense workouts.

Related Article: 10 Benefits about Whey Protein you didn’t know

Why do we talk Whey vs. Creatine?


You now know the difference between creatine and protein. This makes it simple to understand the difference between whey protein and creatine. People continue to compare whey protein (a protein supplement) with creatine. Want to know why?

Whey protein is a supplement with high protein content or density. It is a complete protein source which contains the 9 essential amino acids too. Please know that essential amino acids are not naturally produced by your body. It has to be sourced through your workout diet, or supplements necessarily.

Again if you ask me, what are amino acids, I would say they are bricks for the protein (production) in your body. Like our body needs protein for functioning, protein needs amino acids to build it.

A person is likely to confuse unless he knows the difference between whey protein and creatine. Both seem to be working towards strengthening your muscles. However, I again stress that creatine is not a protein supplement but is required to feed your muscles with (energy).

Related Article: The Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate Powder

What do you Exactly Require- Creatine or Whey Protein for Building Muscle?

Whey protein is perhaps the most common supplement used for body building. Your protein diet needs to be supplemented with whey protein. It helps in securing your muscle health on a long term basis. A body builder will likely need high dose of whey protein (or a protein supplement) on a more regular basis.

95% of your skeletal muscles contain only creatine. So why do we need to supplement it? Like aforementioned, creatine is required to release high energy and for improving your muscle training endurance. It is a fuel to your body for high intensity workouts, or rapid exercising.

To directly answer your question on what is the difference between whey protein and creatine, there is only one answer. Whey protein is needed for overall muscle development or muscle health, while creatine is needed for muscle gain and improving muscle strength.

Whey Protein vs. Creatine- How Much is Good for me


Whey protein is required for your overall muscle wellbeing. You may require taking this supplement frequently. It is natural for muscle fatigue, in form of muscle aches or joint pains, to set in. As you stimulate your muscles, some wear and tear is likely to occur; therefore, you need to factor in muscle repair too. All these requirements are met by whey protein.

Creatine shake on the other hand is to accelerate your workout regime. It is direct energy investment in your muscles to help you train harder.

It is important to understand the fundamentals of good nutrition here. Ideally, a 70 Kg person will require 80-110 grams of protein a day. It is expected to be less for a female. The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

There is no dietary reference for creatine. Several nutritional experts recommend you to start with creatine dose of 20 grams per day, broken into four equal doses. Your body is likely to get dehydrated after creatine consumption, so make sure you drink lot of water. Scientific evidence shows that it is safe to consume one to three grams of creatine every day. So, only in the beginning (loading phase of 1-2 weeks) you can consume up to 20 grams a day. 

Also note, a person who is working out regularly will require protein consumption on a continuous basis. Whey protein can be consumed pre and post workout. On the other hand, creatine is flexible and consumption can be altered. In case of intense workout days, you can choose higher consumption, and monitor it for 1-2 weeks. After which, you can subject your intake to 1-3 grams a day.

Just to conclude, we have now understood that both these supplement work remarkably well for your body. Whey protein and creatine are easily available in the market today. While this is convenient, it also attaches the risk of buying not the best product available. Before buying, you can do a quick online check.

Online channels provide whey protein powder of fine granule quality. It is also good to know your supplement closely. Ideally, the whey protein concentration should be 80:20 for concentration an isolate. BCAA and Glutamine account for the isolate quantity.

Similarly, make sure your creatine supplement is 100% pure. Only genuine labels will come with benefits of easy digestion. Creatine Monohydrate is also available in small sizes (like Creatine Monohydrate 200 Mesh) which helps in measured consumption. You can take it two to three times in day.

Hope this article helps in addressing the whey vs. creatine debate, and more importantly why you need to know. Do you now know why you need to know it?

Keyur Malani

The author Keyur Malani

Keyur Malani is a certified content writer who finds his true passion in fitness and bodybuilding. Apart from his contribution to Myfitfuel blog, he also guides people in their diet and training routines. When he's not writing articles and breaking Deadlift PRs, he's learning life lessons on brain pickings and cooking his post workout meals.
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