We should never be wary of using a gym supplement, especially something like glycine (amino acid) which is good for our muscles, immunity, etc.
At the same time, we must understand the difference between its uses and benefits. Suppose an A supplement works in an XX fashion, it might give us +XX benefits then. In a way, the benefits always supersede the uses of every supplement or the product.
To call a supplement our best fitness partner- we must always search for facts and built a personal logic for us. To do so, make sure you understand the uses of a supplement, or how it works inside your body.
Glycine is used by our body every day in one way or the other. It fuels up our muscles or aids our cognitive and metabolic functions. There are many more uses of glycine. We discuss that today to answer all your fitness-related queries. But, first, it is about what is glycine and what is glycine supplement good for.
What is Glycine?
Glycine is a non-essential or a conditional amino acid. It is sufficiently produced by our body to perfectly execute the basic human body functions like strengthening the muscles, building immunity, etc. Only people, who have a strenuous workout schedule, need to consume a glycine supplement and enjoy its fitness-attached benefits. A glycine-rich diet may not be sufficient then.
Over to the nutritional fact; this amino acid is found in abundance in human enzymes and proteins. Now, you must take another hint to why we have focused our discussion on glycine supplement (or its usage) for bodybuilding today.
It helps build a lot of protein in the body!
Further, it helps build proteins in the organs, joints and muscle tissues. Glycine rests in collagen, which is the highest protein substance in the human body. The other glycine attributes include inducing muscle growth, strengthening joints and good skincare.
We will discuss the glycine supplement uses in detail in the next section of this article and I will try and cover all its protein-associated benefits too.
To put it in quick perspective, even though meat and dairy products are good sources of glycine, you and I may still need to supplement up. The two glycine sources -collagen and gelatin– may not be effectively sourced from high-protein foods only, for the clear fitness benefit seekers.
Step into the world of gym supplements then!
What are its uses?
1) Promotes Muscle Growth
![Guy with Muscle Muscle](https://d3ud9dy4idniyk.cloudfront.net/mffblog/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Muscle.jpg)
Like I mentioned earlier, glycine is a valuable aid for strengthening muscles. How it does it, is what we will focus on now.
Point A. Glycine prevents any damage to the protein tissue in muscles. Point B, it thus boosts muscle recovery through reduced degeneration of muscle tissues and hence, supporting regeneration of muscle tissues.
Glycine is popularly called an “anti-ageing amino acid” since its natural properties help in maintain lean muscle mass. There are many more reasons to call it an anti-ageing amino supplement. We discuss that later in the article.
2) Helps in Biosynthesis of Creatine
Glycine is a fuel for production of creatine in the muscles. Thus, it (glycine) is a direct and effective source for boosting muscle energy, renewal of muscle cells, or deliver as an amino acid assistive in muscle growth and muscle recovery.
3) Glycine Helps Build Muscle Mass
Glycine also fuels energy in the living muscle cells by feeding diet nutrients into the muscle tissues. Thus, it boosts muscle endurance, increasing strength and improving muscle performance. A fresh supply of energy through nutrition means that glycine perfectly complements the other supplement feed in your body.
4) Regulates Steroid Hormone Levels in the Muscles
Glycine also moderates the hormone production by aiding bio-production of steroid hormones. This, in turn, regulates the fat to muscle mass ratio and also controls energy expenditure.
5) Protects Joints
Glycine helps in forming collagen in joint tissues, thus, regulating the growth and function of joints, tendons, and ligaments. Glycine is found in bone broth called the proline. Also, around one-third of collagen is made of glycine. Collagen is prime for creating connective tissue in joints and bones. It keeps the joints flexible and withstands shock.
Why bone strengthening is important for the gym-goers across levels is no hidden fact?
Also, during the exercising time, we need to consume more proteins (amino acids) to repair damaged joint tissues since there is a continuous free radical damage happening during the strenuous gym schedule. It happens due to induced oxidative stress.
6) Aids in Digestion
Glycine assists in regeneration of tissue lining the digestive tract. It keeps your gut in a good shape and boosted health, by containing the food particles and bacteria in the right position inside the gut.
In other words, this amino acid does not allow any food particle or bacteria spillover in/from the gut. The bacteria, for example, can pass through the tiny opening into the bloodstream and trigger inflammation as a result. Glycine prevents it by triggering production of collagen and gelatin in the gut lining.
Glycine, through collagen and gelatin, helps in dealing with food allergies or increase tolerance towards certain foods. It naturally promotes probiotic balance and growth. It is also a metabolic fuel since glycine biologically assists in breaking down nutrients inside the body.
Glycine also transports glycogen to cells, hence, providing more glucose energy (ATP) to the muscle cells. It also keeps your blood sugar level in-check, creating sustained levels of energy and reducing sugar cravings or body fatigue.
7) Glycine Builds Immunity
Glycine aids formation of glutathione, an important antioxidant that prevents cellular damage induced by free radicals, peroxide (a compound binding to the radicals), and lipid peroxidation (oxidative stress of lipids). Glycine is an important glutathione precursor which helps in restoring glutathione synthesis inside our body.
In short, it reduces the level of oxidative stress and also brings down the level of oxidant damages during the fitness schedule.
8) Improves Cognitive Ability
Glycine moderates the metabolic functioning of certain nutrients- which your brain uses as energy. Glycine is important to regulate nerve impulses since it balances electrolyte levels through the human body. Electrolyte like calcium, potassium and chloride need to be monitored during heavy exercising too.
Due to Glycine’s crucial neurotransmitter attachment, it further helps in improving the muscle performance or deal with body sensations, promote good sleep and keep a tab on mood and behaviour, all important precursors to fitness in the gym.
9) Glycine Fights Fatigue
Glycine is a very useful aid in the biosynthesis of heme (a component of haemoglobin). It helps in increasing the red blood cells (RBCs) count. RBCs are needed to transport oxygen in the body, thus, supporting cellular function and improving the health of body tissues, skin and brain.
With the faster regeneration of cells or tissues, glycine aid channelizes more energy in athletes, reducing fatigue by regulating the blood sugar levels. It does so, by maintaining the RBC count level.
In the nutshell!
This amino acid, in my opinion, is fit to be in the staple gym supplement category. On its own, it improves muscle training performance and reduces mental fatigue too.
Moreover, glycine is a versatile amino acid and among its other benefits, the most valuable is how it helps in transporting nutrients to other parts of the body. So, whenever you take the recommended glycine dosage, you are naturally at ease with yourself, since you are getting the best of the nutrition from your diet and the various supplements in use.
Now you know, how glycine supplementation helps you beat physical and mental stress, together?